Royal FloraHolland
Legmeerdijk 313
1431 GB Aalsmeer
Floor plan and exhibitor overview
Is a floor plan available with an overview of exhibitors?
We also have an exhibitorlistfor you.
Location and opening hours
Where will the Trade Fair Aalsmeer be held?
Legmeerdijk 313
1431 GB Aalsmeer
On the site, follow the directions on the signs to the parking spaces.
By public transport: bus 357 stops right in front of our door.
What are the opening hours?
- Tuesday 09.00 - 17.00
- Wednesday 09.00 - 17.00
- Thursday 09.00 - 17.00
How many entrances are there and where can I find them?
There are two ways to reach the fair. Do you take the entrance by the brown lift on the parking roof? This will take you directly to the plant hall. If you take the entrance by the yellow lift, you will reach the flower hall directly. The entire exhibition floor is accessible from both sides.
I signed up but am unable to attend. Where can I unsubscribe?
The answer to my question is not listed here
Do you have a question for which you have not found the answer here? Please send an e-mail to We will contact you.
Facilities at Trade Fair Aalsmeer
What does Royal FloraHolland do about security at the trade fair?
Is smoking allowed?
Is there a cloakroom?
Is there an ATM machine available?
On the exhibition floor, you can only pay with pin at the catering plaza. There is no ATM machine to withdraw cash.
Where can we eat/drink?
Is there a wifi network available?
Is there a prayer room?
Are there lockers?
Travel & accommodation
How do I reach Royal FloraHolland Aalsmeer?
By public transport: Floraholland is easy to reach by public transport. Bus stop Aalsmeer, Floraholland.
From Amsterdam center take public transport bus 357,
From Amsterdam 'Zuid' station take bus 358.
From Schiphol (and also from Haarlem) take bus 300 in the direction of Amsterdam Bijlmer Arena. At Amstelveen Bus station change to bus line 357/358 in the direction of Aalsmeer or Kudelstaarrt.
Every approximately 10 minutes bus lines 357 and 358 run to and from Aalsmeer, Floraholland 'Hoofdingang' (main entrance).
Check in and out with your contactless debit card, credit card, mobile or buy your bus day e-ticket here